
安保法施行へ、戦後の転換点 集団的自衛権の行使解禁:政治(TOKYO Web )



安保法成立半年 廃止法案 棚ざらし 

 他国を武力で守る集団的自衛権の行使容認を柱とする安全保障関連法が昨年九月に成立してから、十九日で半年となった。反対する世論の広がりを受け、民主、共産、維新、社民、生活の野党五党は一カ月前に安保法廃止法案を国会に共同提出したが、審議されていない。法律の問題点を野党から国会で追及されたくない政府・与党が応じてこなかったためで、数の力で法案を無視し続ける構えだ。東京新聞 3/19/2016

Sanders Criticizes Israeli Government for Treatment of Palestinians

Sanders reminded the crowd of reporters and activists that he spent time living in Israel and working on a kibbutz, and argued that because of that he was “probably the only candidate” with “personal ties” to the country. He specifically called it “absurd” that a portion of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s government suggested increased settlements in the West Bank and added that it was “unacceptable” that they had withheld tax revenue from Palestinians. He talked about water and economic rights for Palestinians and said ending the economic blockade of Gaza would also be necessary for sustainable peace.

谷戸の遠景 山桜満開。家の桜は蕾がすこしふくらむ程度。